Student Success Completion Grant 2023-2024: Boosting Graduation Rates and Helping Students Succeed

Are you a college student looking for financial assistance to cover your educational expenses? If so, you might want to consider applying for the Student Success Completion Grant for the 2023-2024 academic year. This grant provides up to $8,000 per year to help eligible students pay for their college costs, including tuition, fees, books, and supplies.

To qualify for the Student Success Completion Grant, you must be a recipient of Cal Grant B or C. You must also be enrolled in at least 12 units per semester and maintain satisfactory academic progress. The grant is renewable for up to four years, as long as you continue to meet the eligibility requirements.

The Student Success Completion Grant is just one of several types of financial aid available to community college students in California. Other options include the Cal Grant B and C, the California College Promise Grant, and the Federal Pell Grant. If you’re not sure which type of aid is right for you, it’s a good idea to talk to a financial aid advisor at your college. They can help you understand your options and guide you through the application process.

Understanding Student Success Completion Grant 2023-2024

If you are a Cal Grant recipient enrolled in at least 12 but fewer than 15 semester units, you may be eligible for the Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) for the 2023-2024 academic year. The grant pays $1,298 per semester ($2,596 annually). If you are enrolled in 15 or more semester units, you are eligible for $4,000 per semester ($8,000 annually).

History and Purpose

The SSCG is a financial aid program designed to provide additional financial assistance to Cal Grant B and C recipients attending a California Community College full-time (12 units or more). The purpose of the grant is to help offset the total cost of community college attendance and encourage students to complete their educational goals.

How It Works

To be eligible for the SSCG, you must be a Cal Grant B or C recipient and enrolled in at least 12 units at a California Community College. You must also meet the general eligibility requirements for financial aid, including maintaining satisfactory academic progress and meeting any other requirements set by your school’s financial aid office.

The grant is disbursed in two installments per academic year. The first installment is disbursed in the fall semester, and the second installment is disbursed in the spring semester. If you are enrolled in summer classes, you may be eligible for an additional disbursement.

Types of Grants

There are two types of SSCG grants: Access and Completion. The Access grant is for students who are enrolled in 12-14.9 units, and the Completion grant is for students who are enrolled in 15 or more units.

The Access grant pays $1,298 per semester ($2,596 annually), while the Completion grant pays $4,000 per semester ($8,000 annually). The grant amount is prorated based on the number of units you are enrolled in, so if you drop a class or withdraw from school, your grant amount may be adjusted.

In conclusion, the Student Success Completion Grant is a valuable resource for Cal Grant recipients attending a California Community College. If you meet the eligibility requirements, you should apply for the grant to help offset the cost of your education and encourage you to complete your educational goals.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) for the 2023-2024 academic year, you must meet certain requirements.

First, you must be a California resident or eligible AB 540 student. Additionally, you must be enrolled in 12 or more units as a full-time student.

Furthermore, you must have a minimum GPA of 2.0 and be making satisfactory academic progress. This means that you must be meeting the academic standards set by your college or university.

To qualify for the SSCG, you must also demonstrate financial need. This is determined by your Expected Family Contribution (EFC) as calculated by the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA).

Finally, your income must meet certain standards. Specifically, your family income must be below the established threshold for your family size.

If you meet all of these eligibility requirements, you may be eligible for up to $8,000 per year to pay for educational costs through the SSCG program.

Application Process

If you are a full-time Cal Grant B or C recipient enrolled in 12 or more units, you may be eligible for the Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG) for the 2023-2024 academic year. The grant provides additional financial aid to help you complete your education. Here is what you need to know to apply for the SSCG:

FAFSA or California Dream Act Application

To apply for the SSCG, you must complete either the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) if you are undocumented. These applications help determine your eligibility for financial aid, including the SSCG.

California Student Aid Commission

The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) is responsible for administering the SSCG. You can apply for the grant through the commission’s website. The CSAC also provides information about other financial aid programs that may be available to you.


The deadline to apply for the SSCG for the 2023-2024 academic year is not yet available. However, it is important to apply as soon as possible to ensure that you receive the maximum amount of financial aid for which you are eligible.

Additional Documentation

If you are selected for verification, you may be required to provide additional documentation to the CSAC. This may include tax returns, W-2 forms, and other financial documents. Be sure to keep copies of all documents you submit.

Apply Early

Applying early is key to receiving the maximum amount of financial aid for which you are eligible. Be sure to submit your FAFSA or CADAA as soon as possible, and keep an eye out for the SSCG application deadline. Good luck with your application!

Financial Aid and Grants

As a student, there are many financial aid and grant options available to you to help finance your education. These options can help you pay for tuition, books, and other educational expenses. Here are some of the main types of financial aid and grants that you may be eligible for:

Cal Grant

Cal Grant is a need-based program that provides financial assistance to California students who meet certain eligibility requirements. There are two types of Cal Grants: Cal Grant B and Cal Grant C. Cal Grant B provides financial assistance to low-income students, while Cal Grant C provides financial assistance to students pursuing vocational or technical education.

Pell Grant

The Pell Grant is a federal grant that provides financial assistance to low-income undergraduate students. The amount of the grant varies depending on your financial need, cost of attendance, and enrollment status.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG is a federal grant that provides financial assistance to undergraduate students who have exceptional financial need. The amount of the grant varies depending on your financial need and the availability of funds at your school.

California College Promise Grant

The California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the Board of Governors Fee Waiver) provides financial assistance to eligible California residents who are enrolled in community college. The grant waives the enrollment fees for eligible students.

Chafee Grant

The Chafee Grant is a state grant that provides financial assistance to current or former foster youth who are enrolled in a qualifying program at a California college or university.

Federal Grants

In addition to the Pell Grant and FSEOG, there are several other federal grants available to eligible students. These include the Federal Work-Study Program, the Teacher Education Assistance for College and Higher Education (TEACH) Grant, and the Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant.

Student Loans

If you have exhausted all other forms of financial aid and grants, you may also be eligible for student loans. There are several types of student loans available, including federal loans and private loans. It’s important to carefully consider the terms and conditions of any loan before accepting it.

Overall, there are many financial aid and grant options available to help you finance your education. Be sure to explore all of your options and apply for any aid that you may be eligible for.

Benefits for Community College Students

If you are a community college student in California, you may be eligible for the Student Success Completion Grant (SSCG). This grant is designed to provide additional financial assistance to students who are already receiving Cal Grant B or C awards. Here are some benefits of the SSCG:

  • Additional financial assistance: The SSCG provides up to $2,596 annually for eligible students who enroll and attend 12 through 14.99 units per term. If you enroll in 15 or more units per term, you can receive up to $8,000 annually. This can help cover the cost of tuition, books, and other expenses.
  • Encourages full-time enrollment: The SSCG is designed to encourage full-time enrollment, which has been shown to increase student success rates. By taking 12 or more units per term, you are more likely to complete your degree or transfer to a four-year university.
  • No additional application required: If you are already receiving a Cal Grant B or C award, you will automatically be considered for the SSCG. This means you do not need to fill out any additional applications or forms.
  • Helps low-income students: The SSCG is targeted towards low-income students who are already receiving Cal Grant B or C awards. This means that students who may not have been able to afford full-time enrollment can now receive additional financial assistance.
  • Supports the California College Promise Grant: The SSCG is part of a larger effort to support community college students in California. The California College Promise Grant (formerly known as the BOG Fee Waiver) provides free tuition for eligible students. By providing additional financial assistance through the SSCG, more students can take advantage of this program.

Overall, the SSCG is a valuable resource for community college students in California. By providing additional financial assistance and encouraging full-time enrollment, it can help more students complete their degrees and achieve their academic goals.

Grant Amounts and Distribution

As a recipient of the Student Success Completion Grant for the 2023-2024 academic year, you may be wondering about the grant amounts and how they will be distributed. The grant is designed to provide financial assistance to current and former foster youth who are enrolled in an eligible California Community College, California State University, or University of California program.

The maximum grant amount for the 2023-2024 academic year is $6,000 per academic year, which is an increase from the previous year. The grant amount is distributed based on the number of units you are enrolled in per semester.

For example, if you are enrolled in 12 or more semester units, you may be eligible for the full grant amount of $3,000 per semester. If you are enrolled in fewer units, your grant amount will be prorated accordingly.

It’s important to note that the grant cannot be used to cover all expenses related to attending college. While it can be used to cover tuition and fees, as well as books and supplies, it may not cover all of your expenses for the semester or academic year.

The grant will be distributed by your college of attendance, and you will receive notification of the disbursement date by email approximately one week before the payment is disbursed. It’s important to keep in mind that the grant will be distributed in two payments per academic year, one per semester.

In summary, the Student Success Completion Grant for the 2023-2024 academic year provides financial assistance to current and former foster youth who are enrolled in an eligible California Community College, California State University, or University of California program. The grant amount is based on the number of semester units you are enrolled in and is distributed in two payments per academic year. While the grant can be used to cover tuition and fees, as well as books and supplies, it may not cover all of your expenses for the semester or academic year.

Special Circumstances

If you have special circumstances that affect your ability to contribute towards the cost of attendance, the Financial Aid Office may be able to adjust data items used to calculate your expected family contribution (EFC) and your financial need. These adjustments may increase your eligibility for financial aid.

Some examples of special circumstances include:

  • A significant decrease in income due to loss of employment, divorce, or death of a wage earner.
  • Unusual medical expenses not covered by insurance.
  • High dependent care costs for a child or adult.
  • Enrollment in less than half-time status due to disability or other reasons.
  • Extenuating circumstances such as a natural disaster or other unforeseen event.

If you have a special circumstance that affects your financial situation, you should contact the Financial Aid Office as soon as possible to discuss your options. You may be asked to provide documentation to support your claim.

In addition, there are some special circumstances that may affect your eligibility for certain types of financial aid:

  • Foster youth: If you are a current or former foster youth, you may be eligible for additional financial aid through the Chafee Grant program.
  • Students with dependents: If you have dependent children or other dependents, you may be eligible for additional financial aid to help cover the costs of caring for them.
  • AB 540 students: If you are an AB 540 student, you may be eligible for state financial aid programs such as the California Dream Act.
  • Extenuating circumstances: If you have experienced extenuating circumstances that have affected your academic progress, you may be able to appeal your financial aid suspension or probation status.
  • Appeal: If you have been denied financial aid or your financial aid award is insufficient to cover your costs, you may be able to appeal the decision.

Remember, the Financial Aid Office is here to help you navigate the financial aid process and find solutions to your unique situation. Don’t hesitate to reach out for assistance.

Government Involvement

When it comes to supporting student success and completion, the government plays a significant role. The federal government, in particular, has several programs and initiatives in place to improve outcomes for students.

One of the ways the federal government supports student success is through the Postsecondary Student Success Program. This program provides grants to institutions of higher education to develop and implement strategies to increase student retention and completion rates. The program focuses on supporting low-income, first-generation, and underrepresented students.

The government also recognizes the importance of basic needs for postsecondary students. The Basic Needs for Postsecondary Students Program provides grants to institutions of higher education to develop and implement programs that address food insecurity, housing insecurity, and other basic needs that can impact student success.

In addition to these programs, the federal government has also established the Open Textbooks Pilot Program. This program provides grants to institutions of higher education to support the creation and use of open educational resources, which can help reduce the cost of course materials for students.

The government also recognizes the unique needs of certain student populations. For example, the Centers of Excellence for Veteran Student Success provides grants to institutions of higher education to develop and implement programs that support veteran students. Similarly, the Transitioning Gang-Involved Youth to Higher Education program provides grants to institutions of higher education to develop and implement programs that support gang-involved youth in their transition to college.

Overall, the government plays a critical role in supporting student success and completion. Through various programs and initiatives, the government is working to ensure that all students have the resources and support they need to succeed in college and beyond.

Future Steps

Now that you have been awarded the Student Success Completion Grant for the 2023-2024 academic year, you may be wondering what your next steps should be. Here are some things to keep in mind as you move forward:

Transfer and Bachelor’s Degree

If you plan to transfer to a four-year institution after completing your coursework at a community college, it’s important to stay on track with your academic goals. Meet with a counselor regularly to ensure you are taking the right classes and earning the necessary credits to transfer. Use the grant money to pay for textbooks, transportation, and other expenses that may arise.

Once you transfer to a four-year institution, you may still be eligible for financial aid and scholarships. Research the options available to you and apply for as many as possible to help offset the cost of tuition and other expenses.


The Student Success Completion Grant is designed to help you complete your coursework and achieve your academic goals. However, it’s important to keep in mind that it may not cover all of your expenses. If you need additional income to cover living expenses, consider looking for part-time work on or off-campus.


To maintain your eligibility for the Student Success Completion Grant, you must maintain satisfactory academic progress (SAP) and complete your coursework on time. Attend class regularly, participate in discussions, and seek help if you are struggling with any of your classes. Use the resources available to you, such as tutoring and academic counseling, to help you succeed.

Lifetime Eligibility

Keep in mind that the Student Success Completion Grant has a lifetime eligibility limit of four semesters or six quarters. If you plan to continue your education beyond the 2023-2024 academic year, you may need to explore other financial aid options. Talk to a counselor or financial aid advisor to learn more about your options.

In conclusion, the Student Success Completion Grant is a valuable resource that can help you achieve your academic goals. Use it wisely, stay on track with your coursework, and seek help when you need it. With the right mindset and support, you can succeed in college and beyond.


  • Hussain Shoaib

    Hussain Shoaib is an author and digital marketer with expertise in financial aid and education. He has extensive knowledge of the Pell grant and FAFSA, and has published numerous articles on these topics.

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