Frequently Asked Topics

How Do I Know If I Have Pell Grant?

Pell Grants are awarded to nearly all low/moderate-income students. To find out if you’ve received the grant, you can log in to the portal (on the “My Aid” page in your account dashboard) and find information about any aid that you’ve received.

How Is Pell Grant Calculated?

The Pell Grant amount is specified each year by the United States Department of
Education. How much of the grant a student receives is calculated based on the
student’s cost of attendance and the Institutional Student Information Record (ISIR) or Student Aid Report (SAR), the academic year structure, and the Expected Family
Contribution (EFC).

Do You Have to Pay Back Pell Grant If You Fail?

Satisfactory academic progress is necessary not just to be eligible for the Pell Grant but also to retain it. Pell Grant awardees must maintain the academic standards specified by the school in the Pell network that the student is enrolled in. Failing classes may result in the grant being revoked and the student being asked to repay it.

What GPA Do You Need for the Pell Grant?

You need a minimum GPA of 2.0 to be eligible for the Pell Grant (and to retain it).

How Long Does Pell Grant Take to Process?

The Pell Grant takes about seven to ten working days to process, once information about an award is posted on the Financial Aid portal. Disbursements are made twice each semester—typically during the first week of the spring and fall terms.

What Happens to Unused Pell Grant Money?

The Pell funds are used to pay off any outstanding fees (tuition, room and board, books, etc.). Any money left over after this is sent directly to the student. This amount can be used for any other school-related expenses the student has to bear, such as traveling to and from school or even buying a new laptop.

Can a Pell Grant Be Used for International Study?

Except for the Federal Work-Study financial aid program, all other aid (such as the Cal Grant B, SEOG, Pell Grant, Scholarship, and Direct Student Loans) can be used to study abroad. However, this is also subject to the student’s eligibility for the study abroad program.

Can You Cancel a Pell Grant?

The Pell Grant can be reduced, returned, or declined by students within the relevant
academic year (usually to preserve eligibility for future enrollment periods or
semesters). It should be noted that such funds may not be reinstated after the academic year closes.

Why Did I Not Get a Pell Grant?

The most common reason that applicants don’t receive a Pell Grant (or aren’t awarded the entire amount) is an incorrectly/insufficiently filled out FAFSA. Ensure that you fill out the form correctly and furnish all the correct details for the maximum award.


  • Hussain Shoaib

    Hussain Shoaib is an author and digital marketer with expertise in financial aid and education. He has extensive knowledge of the Pell grant and FAFSA, and has published numerous articles on these topics.

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8 thoughts on “Frequently Asked Topics”

  1. I can’t contact you because on your contact page the name area is required, but missing !!

    Please fix this.

    Angela Pratt

  2. can I go back to school and receive grants with a defaulted student loan. can no longer pay on it cause I have no income, currently I am my father’s caregiver which pays $0.00. I live with him, so thatis how I survive. Need to get an income, my father is 83. Must think of my future.

  3. I have a pellgrant already i need somebody to send i my code or send my papers to my house at P.O Box 878 Wagener 29164

  4. I plan on enrolling in an online school. Will I be eligible for the grant even though I will not be attending a traditional college?

  5. When a pell grant is awarded and the school holds the monies and does not disburse the remaining monies, can the student request the money after graduation? I was unaware of the remaining funds or that I could have used them for transportation or housing. On my student aid account I have many thousands of dollars remaining that I was awarded over my educational career. Can I request these funds from the schools today?

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