The Advantages of Pell Grants over Student Loans: A Closer Look at Your Financial Aid Options

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Financial aid helps students, especially those from very financially weak backgrounds, have a chance at career schools and colleges by paying for their education and related expenses, making the former more affordable and lowering the number of dropouts. Many federal financial aid options exist, such as work-study programs, scholarships, and student loans, but the Pell … Read more

Is the Pell Grant Amount the Same in All States?

The Pell Grant is an educational grant given to college students in the US. To qualify for a Pell Grant, the family income of the student must be at most $60,000. It is designed to help low-income families to send their children to college by subsidizing the school’s Cost of Attendance or COA.What Determines Pell … Read more

Can You Use a Pell Grant for Summer College Courses?

The Federal Pell Grant Program is one of the largest in the United States. It provides financial aid to thousands of college students every year. In 2009 official changes to the program were announced. The maximum grant is now larger and more students can participate in the program. Another major change is that eligible students … Read more

What Happens to Unused Pell Grant Money?

Pell Grant is an educational grant given by the US Federal Government to low-income families with an average income of up to $60,000. Pell grant prioritizes families with lower average incomes who experience more financial difficulties especially in paying for college tuition fees. Families with incomes of less than $20,000 account for more than 57% of … Read more

Can you use Federal Pell Grant to pay off a debt at another school?

The Federal Pell Grant is just one of the many different ways students can get through college during times of financial instability. It is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education and by far is one of the most appealing of all the grants available out there for the taking, specifically because as a loan, … Read more

Getting Extra Pell Grant Funding for Extra Courses – Is It Possible?

Obtaining Federal student financial aid through your school is now easier than ever before. The process is simplified and the requirements are clearly stated. Still, there are some situations that are not explained in the general guidance booklets provided by schools. Given that the Pell Grant is the most common Federal Scholarship, it is perfectly … Read more

What Colleges You Can Use a Pell Grant for?

Higher education gives you a lot of opportunities. You will be able to find a better-paid job and pursue a more fulfilling career after you graduate. Higher education is expensive, but there are a lot of ways in which you can get financial aid. You can get a Pell Grant provided that you are a … Read more

How Long You Can Use a Pell Grant for?

Any student coming from a family with an income lower than $50,000 per year can take advantage of the Federal Pell Grant Program. All students can apply using the standard Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. The process is really simplified since you can fill in and submit your application online. However, the … Read more

Can You Get Free Childcare if You Receive a Pell Grant?

Parents with young dependent children usually need more help to get through college. It is worth exploring all your options to figure out how you can get financial and childcare aid. The Pell Grant is awarded to all low-income students who meet the criteria for eligibility. It is not awarded on the basis of the … Read more

Pell Grant – How It Is Different from a Regular College Grant

A college education can give you better career opportunities and a lot of other social and financial benefits. Still, it is expensive to get a higher education degree. That is why you should consider all sources of financing available. The Pell Grant can really help you financially throughout college. You should definitely learn more about … Read more